Cast of "The West Wing" © NBC
- As with most character driven shows, the characters come out most clearly in their relationships with the other continuing characters. As a start, we offer a taste of the following. More relationships and more information on these will be added soon:
- The President and Leo
- The President and Toby
- Leo and Vice President Hoynes
- Josh and Donna
- C.J .and Danny
- Charlie and Zoey
- The President and Mrs. Landingham
- The President and Charlie
- Leo and Margaret
- Toby, Andy and the Twins
- Also see: The Staff as a Whole
- The following survey of the amount of air time/number of scenes devoted to the various relationships is used by permission from the West Wing Statistics Project created by Nomad and originally done for the Television Without Pity forum on the West Wing.
- Overview of Results
- No big surprise: the relationship that has more scenes devoted to it than any
other is Josh and Donna's. The relationship that gets second most attention is Leo
and POTUS. Toby/Sam takes third place in seasons one and three, although it was
briefly eclipsed by Josh/Sam in season two.
- Season two was a very balanced season in terms of relationships; the attention
was spread around a lot of different pairings.
- CJ is probably the most fully rounded of the senior staff, spending relatively
equal times with Josh, Sam, Leo and POTUS.
- The reduction in Josh/Sam scenes is not imaginary - however, it's interesting to
note that Josh's relationships with everybody aside from Donna and Leo have
been getting less attention.
- The only relationship that has been steadily becoming more and more
prominent is CJ/Toby.
- POTUS/Toby and Leo/CJ interaction both saw a reduction in season two, and
are getting back on track now.
- Leo/Toby interaction saw a huge bump in the second season and has now gone
back to season one levels.
See the charts that shows all this and more