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This site is a work of love and there is no way in the world it will ever pay for the time involved to do it. However, there are also monetary outlays connected with the site and viewers can help us pay those by just starting their regular online shopping from this site. It costs you nothing (price is the same as when you go to Amazon through any other route), but we can make 5-6% of what you pay (if you buy a book DIRECTLY --- that means you put it in your cart before doing any other shopping at Amazon --- from one of our links, we can even make more).
Amazon also offers non-media items: baby stuff, apparel, toys, electronics, kitchen stuff, etc. If Amazon has what you need, consider starting your shopping here: Just look at what Amazon has to offer!. If you don't need those things, remember the backbone of what we make is from books/DCs/DVDs/Videos and we want to thank all of you who have ordered from these stores starting from a link on this site.
Amazon is offering free shipping if you buy $25 worth, Barnes and Noble also sometimes offers free shipping if you buy two items.
Also see a list of some ideas: videos/dvds of other TV shows and recent movies --- also official NBC merchandise and other West Wing related merchandise.
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- There are other ways you can help as well. Again without spending a penny extra! If you happen to see typos in the site, let us know. If you know something about a subject discussed on the show, find links to support your information and email us about it. Most of the information on the site comes from our viewers and we give credit. Warning, sometimes we get overwhelmed and can't get to everything people send us. If we don't respond in a couple of weeks, write back and ask what's going on.
- And since you ask what you can do for us, there is one other little thing. NBC has a survey of West Wing fans sites and at the moment, we are number 2. Vote your heart. If you think we should be number 1, give us a six star rating. If you agree with us that Television Without Pity is also good, feel free to give them an equivalent vote or whatever. If you have never gone to their site, try them out if you get a chance. Come to think of it Bartlet4America.com (which took over a lot of the information that used to be at the jedbartlet.com site) is also a great site and has information we haven't had the chance to add to ours. But vote in the survey.
- Also see DVDs of Other TV Shows
- Also see Movie DVDs